Genesis is one of the best frameworks for building powerful SEO-friendly WordPress themes. By adding a few Genesis plugins you can take that power one step further, creating a even more robust system.
In this lineup, I wanted to focus on plugins that were lightweight and flexible. The following plugins are usable in a variety of circumstances. I installed them on most of the recent websites I’ve worked on. All of these plugins are free to use and do not have / need premium versions.
1. Genesis Simple Edits
This one is great for editing small important parts on your website. You can use it to edit the entry meta both below and above the content. You can use it to edit or add a copyright in the footer. I install this plugin when first setting up a development website because I use it on every website.
2. Simple Social Icons
Everyone has social media nowadays. Simple Social Icons adds a widget that lets you customize the color and design of social icons. This widget is often used in the header, sidebar or footer sections of a website. You can even add your own icons with a few custom modifications which I explain here: How To Add FontAwesome Icons To Simple Social Icons.
3. Genesis Widget Column Classes
If you register your own Genesis widgets you might have to tweak the layout back and forth. This plugin gives you the ability to declare the column size for a given widget within a widget area. This is great for you and the client when making future modifications. You can select one-half, one-fourth, one-third, etc. I wrote a little more about this plugin in my post: Recommended Plugin: Genesis Widget Column Classes.
4. Genesis Featured Page Advanced
Genesis Featured Page widget is the built-in widget included with Genesis. Genesis Featured Page Advanced adds a dozen options to the default widget including: custom content, custom links, custom images, etc,. You will often find themes utilizing Genesis Featured Page pre-styled with CSS. Featured Page Advanced allows you to continue making use of that CSS while adding even more content.
5. Genesis Simple Share
Give users the ability to share your posts on-site with this straightforward plugin. Customize the appearance and order of social icons. Choose what sections of your website they appear.
Am I Missing Any Genesis Plugins?
Some other notable mentions are: Genesis eNews Extended and Genesis Portfolio Pro. Does anyone have any other useful Genesis plugins they would like to share? Write about them below in the comments section!
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